Thoughtfully me

Thoughtfully me

Friday, May 6, 2011

I believe in strength.

This is an essay I wrote for my English class this semester.

I have struggled with my weight for most of my life. At age 16,  I measured 6’2” and weighed 285 lbs. I was the picturesque couch potato. My wake-up call came when I got up off the couch to check the fridge for something to eat. When I returned to the couch I was breathing hard. It was alarming. So I began my quest to shape up. I changed my diet. I began lifting weights and other kinds of exercise. In 2 years I lost 85lbs. As a side-effect, my self-esteem got a shot of adrenalin. Before this I did not realize how low it had been. The effect of losing weight and getting in shape has forever changed my life.
            Through the years, I would go back and forth between times of activity and complacency. There came a time in my life when I became severely depressed. My world was falling apart around me. My body was falling apart and I was suffering from extreme back pain caused by a pinched sciatic nerve. At the slightest attempt to do anything physical, my back would spasm, incapacitating me for more than a week. My weight was at an all time high, over 300lbs and my self-esteem at an all time low. My world had collapsed; all I had worked for was taken from me. My body was a wreck as was my mind and heart. I either had to make a change or give up on life.
            I decided to change. It would be a long grueling road both physically and mentally. I had no idea how painful it would be or how worth it. Before this, my workouts had no real goal or direction. This time I had a goal, I had a direction, and in this I found more than physical strength. I set a goal; I would become a competitive power lifter. I started training. I worked hard. As I got stronger it got harder. I had to push myself harder, harder than I ever had, exerting myself to a level I never had before. I was constantly sore, to one extent or another. I still am. It became not what my body could do but what my mind and heart could make my body do.
            Through dedicated training, my body and mind became strong. It was a test of will to push my body beyond the pain. Through strengthening my body and healing my back, I also strengthened my mind to levels I never before had experienced. I learned what I could do when I truly set my mind to it. I also learned that I can never go back. I must train for the rest of my life both for my physical health and my mental health. Through strength I reformed my life, and set it on a path that I know will bring me the happiness and direction that I have sought after my entire life.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Intelligence is a fickle thing

Intelligence is a fickle thing,
Sometimes it’s fleeting and often it sings,
It separates us from animals,
And bugs and things.

Some say I’m smart some say I’m wise,
I say what the heck makes you give a rise,
I know enough to know what I ought,
I know that some day this will be all I got.

I know enough to know I want to know more,
I want to know more than most but not just to boast,
I want to know the most the most that I can know,
Knowing is awesome from up top down to the bottom.

My words may not be smart but this does not reflect my heart,
What is in my head is what makes me smart,
And wisdom comes from deep down in the heart,
Together these two make intelligence indelible mind and heart.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Struggle of belonging.

Love of life so strong,
we must fight the strife to belong,

Belonging gives meaning so strong,
that we might know what is wrong,
to become what we have wished so long.

Being this ideal,
respecting the way I feel,
to avoid what must be wrong.

Life long remorse is wrong,
for in Christ we all belong.

Monday, February 21, 2011


      Fear is such a powerful emotion, one that I am sure we all wish and I know I wish I did not have, it is such a waste. Yet it is probably the one that is the most difficult to control. I have experienced many kinds of fear, sometimes phear ;-) In my life. As of recent I have experienced a most peculiar variety of fear, that of change, not just any change but a change I have been fighting and working for, and yet here it is fear of it, I have become used to the monotony of annoyance frustration and sometimes anger, it would almost seem at this point that I have gained some patience although that is unlikely. It frustrates me to no end being out of control of myself and my feelings, especially the negative ones there is no greater waste of emotional energy than using it for fear, hate and anger, Yet I suffer from all of these in varying degrees on a weekly basis. And as for mentioned I am at a turning point in my life one I have striven to achieve for the last 4-5 months of my life and here is that fear eating away at my resolve, at my personal motivation to succeed, and be productive, this is my emotion but in my brain I know that this is foolish I know that if I accomplish my goal that I am so close to that the world will open up before me with new possibilities, opportunities and a chance at the happiness I have been working so hard to obtain, yet there is this lurking fear, fear of change fear of success maybe? Fear that despite all of my efforts nothing will change? Fear of the newness because I have become so acquainted with my current state of limbo of none progress and with out doubt self pity that I am afraid to move to something new to put myself out there that I might fail or even worse succeed. Yes at times I fear success I think we have all felt this. Fear seems rather fickle, it crops up at the most annoying of times. Some have said the only thing to fear is fear itself. Well I do fear fear now I just have a host of other fears to eliminate so that I can properly focus on fear itself.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Truth Forgotten.

              It seems to me that in our day in age that truth, integrity and honesty are completely underrated or miss understood. At the school I attend they have an honer code some would say strict I do not believe so but none the less when you are accepted and attend you sign your name saying you will uphold it. This pertains to dress, grooming, morals, curfew and academic honesty. And to be honest it appalls me the amount of students I see that blatantly disregard this honer code and it in turn saddens me that it seems so lightly enforced. For example dress and grooming. Skirts or dresses knee length I would say on Tuesday devotional that the numbers of girls I saw with skirts or dresses that where not knee length or longer seemed almost to a ratio of 1 in 10 where shorter. Hair no none natural hair color, for those of you unaware blue, pink, purple, green or any variation or combination of these in any amount are not natural hair colors. Academic honesty, every teacher the first day and multiple times through out the semester go over what cheating is yet they leave some things like quiz's up to the honer system but it almost seems more often than not if given the chance most students cheat on quiz's honer-less pigs! So I wonder did they read the honer code? Did they listen to their teachers? Or are they all just lying to the school and even more lying to themselves, I believe that lying to ones self is just as bad as to others. For in breaking a promise we enact a lie. Honorable people do not lie they do not cheat. What has happened to this world where lying is the standard, it has become a mentality of what can one get away with. This school I attend and this life I have been granted is a privilege one granted by god and I strive every day to live up to God and what he has asked me to do. Lying is serious it destroys lives, ruins marriages, and kills people it may start small but indulge in it and it will rule your life. So be warned if asked I will tell the truth.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Paraphrase of the Declaration by the incompetent.

This is a group project done for my American Foundations class and as you can see by the order of names who was the most important contributor to this document. Or there was no real order to the names and that is just the way Travis our scribe put them.

Declaration of Independence rewrite.
 If the people’s natural, God given rights are being abused by the government, the people have the right to separate and form their own opinions if they should form a new government or not.
All men are created equal, and have rights given by God; our natural rights. The government secures these rights when the people give up some of their freedom and liberty in order for protection, safety, and security. If abused, the people have the right to reform the government.  Being wise and fact will decide that long standing governments should not be changed on a whim; Therefore experience shows we are all more susceptible to suffer, while the less righteous are more likely to put more rights upon themselves by getting rid of the organizations that they are used to. But when a ubiquitous strain of robberies, pursuing an undeviating course the same thing that manifests a design to put them under a strict ruling that has absolute power. It is there privilege, duty, and right to take over a government by any means necessary and provide new soldiers for security in the future. –This has been the long suffering of these colonies. And now there is a requirement that forces them to change their previous system of Government. The past history of the current King of England is a sad history of continuous monarchy over the states. To further show this monarchy, we prove to the world these facts.
He is unwilling to give to make the laws that are necessary for our benefit and the public’s benefit.
He has not allowed his governors to pass urgent and important laws which were not passed until he approves and agrees. In pending form, he neglected to grant permission for those laws.
Due to large groups of people, he neglected to pass laws of accommodation unless the people would surrender the right of representation in legislature, which is a right that would only benefit the tyrants and not us.
He has gathered legislative bodies in less comfortable and unorganized places, and far from storage of public records, forcing them to agree with his stipulations.
He continuously rids himself of the representatives of the people that oppose him or stand in his way.
He has continuously refused, after dissolving these representatives, to allow others to be elected, whereby, the legislative powers are not capable of protecting the people, having return to the majority for their success; in the meantime leaving the state exposed to many challenges and chances of invasion from both without and within.
He has continuously sought out to kill off the population of the colonies. For that reason he has stopped people from making something of themselves, constrain people from improving the lot of their own life.
He is preventing them from getting their own law enforcement.
He has imposed himself as judge, jury, and executioner over the judges and dictates the payment of the judges.
He has sent his officers to harass and take over the people.
He has imposed marshal law upon us without our consent
He has attempted to give military superior power over the civilians.
He has joined with others to put us under an unknown jurisdiction of our constitution and unrecognized by our laws, giving his permission to their acts of false legislation.
For putting soldiers in civilian homes.
For attempting to put them in a false trial for the crimes they have done.
For stopping free trade with the rest of the world;
For giving us too many taxes without our permission
For not giving us the benefit of trial by jury by our peers.
For shipping us to other countries to be tried for false offenses.
For getting rid of the right to create laws in a neighboring state, establish a changing government, and making the boundaries bigger to make it an example in order to introduce these same rules to the other colonies.
For taking away our rights and privileges, removing our most precious laws and changing our fundamental forms of government.
For ruling out our own legislatures and claiming themselves to have power to rule over us in any situation.
He has plundered a government by means of claiming us not underneath his protection and declaring war against us.
He has dominated our seas, stolen our coasts, overthrown our towns, and mutilated the lives of our people.
He is currently moving large armies of foreign mercenaries to utterly annihilate, and desecrate us, which has begun with situations by cruelly violating our rights by a manner never before seen in history and completely unworthy of a ruler of an empire.
He is trying to turn our people into spies and to fight against their own country, to become murderers of their friends or to die at their hand.
He has aroused domestic disturbances and has sought to turn the Indian savages against us who have no rules of war, killing women, children, and fetii.
During each phase of this situation, we have asked to give us some slack in the most polite way. Our requests keep being ignored.  The prince, who is basically a tyrant right now, isn’t qualified to rule these people.
We aren’t doing this to get attention. We have warned the British each attempt they have tried to do something to us not within their power.   We have reminded them about our situation here and how we got here. We have discussed about the justice and the nobility of Britain, and we propose with our fellow man that these ties be erased, which would destroy our relationship and interaction. They also have not listened to the voice of reason.  With this we must submit that we are finished with them, and so we will consider them for the rest of our existence enemies during war time and friends during peace time.
Representing the United States  of America in this assembled congress, having God backing up our actions, do, by the authority of these colonies, boldly say, That these colonies are, and should be free and independent states,  and are free from any connection to the King, and all political relation between them and Britain, is and should be destroyed; As free independent states, they have all power to control their affairs in war, declare piece, make alliances, establish an economic system, and do all other acts and things other countries do. Supporting this declaration, with God being our witness, we swear to each other our lives, our property, and our royal Honor.
Mark Breidenbaugh
Mike Engel
Taylor Harper
Kimberly Gordon
Travis Curtis

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hindsight 20/20?

 So they say hindsight is 20/20. This proves to be true and for my foresight I know I need some new glasses, for it would seem I can hardly read a large print book that is naught but an inch from my nose. The impatience of youth would best describe my lack of foresight, youth being a level of maturity and experience that is not always and more than likely hardly at all related to actual time spent on this earth. I feel my greatest fault regarding impatience is fear, or the fact that I let fear drive my impatience to new heights, thus causing great confusion frustration and just plane stupidity too pour from me in the most awkward ways much as an over excited puppy. In the worst of cases affecting others but thankfully more often than not just ending in me banging my head against the proverbial wall hoping to beat some sense into myself, although on a rare occasion it has been a real wall and for you environmentalists out there I have not harmed any walls in bringing my senses firmly back into view. If any of you know a good foresight eye doctor please give me a reference I could use a new pair of glasses and my head could use a rest.