Thoughtfully me

Thoughtfully me

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Truth Forgotten.

              It seems to me that in our day in age that truth, integrity and honesty are completely underrated or miss understood. At the school I attend they have an honer code some would say strict I do not believe so but none the less when you are accepted and attend you sign your name saying you will uphold it. This pertains to dress, grooming, morals, curfew and academic honesty. And to be honest it appalls me the amount of students I see that blatantly disregard this honer code and it in turn saddens me that it seems so lightly enforced. For example dress and grooming. Skirts or dresses knee length I would say on Tuesday devotional that the numbers of girls I saw with skirts or dresses that where not knee length or longer seemed almost to a ratio of 1 in 10 where shorter. Hair no none natural hair color, for those of you unaware blue, pink, purple, green or any variation or combination of these in any amount are not natural hair colors. Academic honesty, every teacher the first day and multiple times through out the semester go over what cheating is yet they leave some things like quiz's up to the honer system but it almost seems more often than not if given the chance most students cheat on quiz's honer-less pigs! So I wonder did they read the honer code? Did they listen to their teachers? Or are they all just lying to the school and even more lying to themselves, I believe that lying to ones self is just as bad as to others. For in breaking a promise we enact a lie. Honorable people do not lie they do not cheat. What has happened to this world where lying is the standard, it has become a mentality of what can one get away with. This school I attend and this life I have been granted is a privilege one granted by god and I strive every day to live up to God and what he has asked me to do. Lying is serious it destroys lives, ruins marriages, and kills people it may start small but indulge in it and it will rule your life. So be warned if asked I will tell the truth.


  1. I totally agree with you. Not that my school has the same honor code that yours does but almost no one takes it seriously. People are dishonest in my classes every day. It is really sad and makes me angry when people lie. I have been lied to plenty in my short 32 years and it still on some level surprises me when others lie.

  2. It's because we see the world the way WE are. Those who engage in lying, and see no need to overcome it, become blind to it and are trapped. It really is a pathetic thing to witness. Not that we have to say every true thing that comes to mind, and therefore be crass or thoughtless, but we are well served if we choose integrity. Our word being worth something. Live up to everything that is good a worthy.

  3. Did you see this? I guess they do enforce the Honor Code so much that they would kick off their star player that took them to the sweet 16 for the first time in years.

  4. Yeah if I stopped shaving I would be kicked out within a week they are way serious but some things they just let slide I really do not understand.

  5. People like to push the envelope and see how far they can go before there are consequences. It sounds like there needs to be a big crack-down at your school. If there was, I'm sure that people would start dressing more appropriately at least. They need to realize that what they do, how they dress, not only affects themselves but those around them.
